
pmuellr is Patrick Mueller

other pmuellr thangs: home page, twitter, flickr, github

Friday, February 13, 2015

having your cake and cakex'ing it too

As a software developer, I care deeply about my build tools. I strive to provide easy-to-use and understand build scripts with my projects, so that other folks can rebuild a project I'm working on, as simply as possible. Often one of those other folks is me, coming back to a project after being away for it for months, or years.

I cut my teeth on make. So awesome, for it's time. Even today, all kinds of wonderful things about it. But there are problems. Biggest is ensuring Makefile compatibility across all the versions of make you might encounter. I've used make on OS/2, Windows, AIX, Linux, Mac, and other Unix-y platforms. The old version of Windows nmake was very squirrelly to deal with, and if you had to build a Makefile that could run on Windows AND anywhere else, well best of luck, mate! make is also a bit perl-ish with all the crazy syntax-y things you can do. It's driven me to near-insanity at times.

I was also a big user of Ant. I don't do Java anymore, and would prefer to not do XML either, but I do still build weinre with Ant.

Since I'm primarily doing node.js stuff these days, it makes a lot of sense to use a build tool implemented on node.js; I've already got the runtime for that installed, guarantee. In the past, I've used jake with the Apache Cordova project, and have flirted with the newest build darlings of the node.js world, grunt and gulp.

I tend towards simpler tools, and so am happier at the jake level of simple-ness comared to the whole new way of thinking required to use grunt or gulp, which also have their own sub-ecosystem of plugins to gaze upon.

Of course, there are never enough build tools out there, so I've also built some myself: jbuild. I've been using jbuild for projects since I built it, and have been quite happy with it. But, it's my own tool, I don't really want to own a tool like this. The interesing thing about jbuild was the additional base level functionality it provided to the actual code you'd write in your build scripts, and not the way tasks were defined and what not.

As a little experiment, I've pulled that functionality out of jbuild and packaged up as something you can use easily with cake. cake is one the simplest tools out there, in terms of what it provides, and let's me write in CoffeeScript, which is closer to the "shell scripting" experience with make (which is awesome) compared to most other build tools.

Those extensions are in the cakex package available via npm.

why cakex

  • shelljs function built in as globals. So I can do things like

    mkdir "-p", "tmp"
    rm   "-rf", "tmp"

    (that's CoffeeScript) right in my Cakefile. Compare to how you'd do that in Ant. heh.

  • scripts in node_modules/.bin added as global functions that invoke those scripts. Hat tip, npm run. So I can do things like

    opts = """
      --outfile    tmp/#{oBase}
      --standalone ragents
      --entry      lib/ragents.js
    opts = opts.trim().split(/\s+/).join(" ")
    log "running browserify ..."
    browserify opts
  • functions acting as watchers, and server recyclers. I always fashion build scripts to that they have a watch task, which does a build, runs tests, restarts the server that's implemented in the project, etc. So that when I save a file in my text editor, the build/test/server restart happens all the time. These are hard little things to get right; I know, I've been trying for years to get them right. Here's an example usage:

    taskWatch = ->
      watchIter()          # run watchIter when starting
        files: sourceFiles # watch sourceFiles for changes
        run:   watchIter   # run watchIter on changes
    watchIter = ->
      taskBuild()          # run the build
      taskServe()          # run the server
    taskServe = ->
      log "restarting server at #{new Date()}"
      # starts / restarts the server, whichever is needed
      daemon.start "test server", "node", ["lib/server"]

The cakex npm page - - includes a complete script that is the kind of thing I have in all my projects, so you can take in the complete experience. I love it.

Coupla last things:

  • yup, globals freaking everywhere. It's awesome.

  • I assume this would be useful with other node.js-based build tools, but wouldn't surprise me if the "globals everywhere" strategy causes problems with other tools.

  • I'm using gaze to watch files, but it appears to have a bug where single file patterns end up matching too many things; hence having to do extra checks when you're watching a single file.

  • I've wrestled with the demon that are the daemon functions in cakex for a long time. Never completely happy with any story there, but it's usually possible to add enough hacks to keep things limping. Wouldn't be surprised if I have to re-architect the innards there, again, but hopefully the API can remain the same.

  • Please also check the section in the README titled "integration with npm start", for what I believe to be a best practice of including all your build tools as dependencies in your package, instead of relying on globally installed tools. For node.js build tools anyway.