I've updated the node.js cfenv package at npm:
- moved from the netherworld of 0.x.y versioned packages to version 1.0.0
- updated some of the package dependencies
- added a new
In case you're not familiar with the cfenv
package, it's intended to be the
swiss army knife of handling your Cloud Foundry runtime environment variables,
including: PORT
Here's a quick example that doesn't including accessing services in
You can start your server with this kind of snippet, which provides the correct port, binding address, and url of the running server; and it will run locally as well as on CloudFoundry.
For more information, see the cfenv readme.
new API appEnv.getServiceCreds(spec)
Lately I've been finding myself just needing the credentials
property value from
service objects. To make this just a little bit easier than:
you can now do this, using the new
No need to get the whole service if you don't need it, and you don't have to
type out credentials
all the time :-)
what else?
What other gadgets does cfenv
need? If you have thoughts, don't hesitate
to open an issue, send a pull request, etc.